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City of Aurora

15151 E Alameda Pkwy, Aurora, CO, 80012, US



Parks, Recreation & Open Space - Special Event Proposal

***Special Event Proposals must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the event (60 days for the Great Lawn). A proposal received less than 30 days before the requested date will not be approved.***

Please make sure to review all Temporary Use Permit Information at our Park Permits page prior to submitting the Special Event Proposal.


Events that require a Temporary Use Permit:

  • An event that includes fundraising to benefit a non-profit organization.
  • An event that includes advertising and/or promoting a commercial venture.
  • You are using a food truck.
  • Selling of any items and/or services (current copy of Aurora Business License and/or Tri-County Health Certificate will be requested prior to issuance of the Temporary Use Permit).  
  • Canopy 20 feet X 20 feet or larger.
  • Live music, DJ or other amplified sound (only allowed at the following parks: Bicentennial Park, General’s Park and Utah Park).
  • Some examples of events requiring a Temporary Use Permit: organized 5k, art and crafts fair, movie in the park, competitive events, church group outreach.
  • If you are unsure if your event requires a Temporary Use Permit, please contact PROS staff at 303.739.7845.

Permit information:

  • Permit fees are determined based on impact to the space requested.
  • Events will require a site map, timeline of events, and trash plan. Runs/walks will also require a route map, street closures and any additional information that would be critical details for consideration.
  • An event permit does not include exclusive access to the park, parking lot, trail, etc. Please accomodate other users.
  • TUPs for the AMC Great Lawn does not include use of the parking garage.
  • Events larger than 150 people in attendance will require an emergency response plan, traffic and parking control plan, trash collection and removal plan, and portable sanitary unit(s) plan.
  • Event organizers are responsible for ordering, delivery/pick-up and cost of additional portable restrooms and/or dumpsters. 
  • Many events require a one million dollar insurance policy listing the City of Aurora as an additional insured and will be requested prior to issuing the Temporary Use Permit. Sample Certificate of Insurance 
  • A liquor license will be required if the event is selling, serving or distributing alcohol.
  • All events must adhere to Parks, Recreation & Open Space Rules and Regulations.
  • Parks, Recreation & Open Space has blackout dates when permits will not be issued. 2025 blackout dates are: 
    • May 24-26
    • June 14
    • June 30-July 6
    • August 30-September 1
    • Sept. 27
    • Oct. 25

Cancellation and Reschedule Policy:

Park Permits:

  • Cancellation requests must be received at least 15 days in advance for a full refund.
  • Refunds are not granted for inclement weather. Permit holder understands that with outdoor events, there is always the potential for severe cold/hot, rain, hail, snow and windy weather conditions year round.

Reservoir Permits: 

  • Cancellation requests must be received at least 45 days in advance for a full refund.
  • Refunds are not granted for inclement weather. Permit holder understands that with outdoor events, there is always the potential for severe cold/hot, rain, hail, snow and windy weather conditions year round.


Summary of Request

Please select the date of your event. If you have a multi series event, select the first day of your event series. Blackout dates are listed on the Parks Permit page and events will not be permitted on those dates.

Date Picker

Is the date of your event at least 30 days away from today (60 days for the Great Lawn)?

Special Event Proposals must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the proposed event date. Please select a different date in order to continue the form. A proposal received less than 30 days before the requested date will not be approved.

Contact Information

Is the event organized by a nonprofit?

Event Coordinator

Event Description

Is the event open to the public?

Will there be a participation fee?

Will the event require vehicle access in parts of the park otherwise off-limits to vehicles?

Will the event require a stage or other large equipment?

Will the event require amplified sound? (only allowed at Bicentennial Park, General's Park and Utah Park)

Will movies be show on an inflatable screen/projector?

NOTE: Licensed documentation will be required if you are showing a licensed movie.

Will there be food and/or beverage sales at your event?

Will there be merchandise sales at your event?

Will there be sales and/or consumption of alcohol at your event?

Will you set up any inflatables such as bounce castles at your event? Please note: staking tents or canopies is not allowed. You will need to use weights or sandbags to secure your tents/canopies.

Will you set up any tents or canopies at your event? (Please note, staking tents or canopies is not allowed. You will need to use weights or sandbags to secure your tents or canopies)

Are you partnering with any City of Aurora Departments for this event?

Are you requesting use of the City of Aurora logo in advertisements?

I understand events require a one million dollar insurance policy listing the City of Aurora as an additional insured and will be requested prior to issuing my permit.

Upload site use map of location showing where all items will be placed. A site use map can be a screenshot of google maps with labels of where you will place elements of your event such as portable restrooms, tents, stage, etc.

Click Here to Upload

Upload additional event documents (Certificate of Insurance, walk/run route, timeline of events, emergency response plan, etc.)

Click Here to Upload

Terms & Conditions

I have read and understand the Park Permits page and all instructions provided. Link to page:

I understand that by applying for a permit for my event, I am not given exclusive access to the park. I agree to accommodate other users as the park remains open to the public.

I understand that the City of Aurora is providing the site as-is and makes no guarantee regarding the suitability of the site for my event.

I understand that cancellation requests must be made at least 15 days in advance for a full refund (45 days for the Reservoir). Refunds are not granted for inclement weather. Permit holder understands that with outdoor events, there is always the potential for severe cold/hot, rain, hail, snow and windy weather conditions year round.