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Aurora Police Department

15001 E. Alameda Pkwy, Aurora, CO 80012


Thank you for your interest in joining the APD Cadet Program.

Please review these minimum requirements before proceeding with the application:

  • Must be 17 years of age or older
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident
  • Must not have more than 30 credit hours of prior college credit
  • No felony convictions or Colorado State POST disqualifiers
  • Must complete required program hours and community engagement opportunities:
  • 40 volunteer hours per year
  • 8 program hours per month
  • Must maintain a 2.0 GPA and be enrolled full time, earning 15 credit hours per semester

The application process will be extensive and competitive. You are unable to save the application and return to finish it at a later time. Please ensure that the information you fill out is truthful and to the best of your knowledge.

Today's Date

Date Picker

Your Full Name


Full Address

Hair Color

Eye Color

T-Shirt Size (for uniform)

Short Size (for uniform)

Applicant School Information

Current or last school attended

List Two Personal References (other than relatives):

Please state your relationship to them.

Reference One

Reference Two

Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact Name

Emergency Contact Address

Residence Information

If you live with someone, provide the following information:

Contact Name

Contact Name (if applicable)

Background Information

Do you have a valid drivers license?

Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?

Have you ever been arrested, issued a criminal summons, been convicted of a crime, or accepted a Plea Bargain?

Have you ever been the subject of a criminal investigation where you were not charged with a crime?

Have you ever been a law enforcement explorer, cadet, volunteer, or employee with any Law Enforcement Agency?

Do you know any Police Officer, Civilian Employee, or Volunteer with the Aurora Police Department?

Applicant General Information

Do you have a Facebook account?

Do you have an Instagram account?

Do you have a Twitter/X account?

Do you have any other social accounts?

Included a copy of any of the two following items. The items must be valid and not expired.

  • Passport Photo                                                   
  • Permanent Resident Card
  • Government/State issued Driver’s Licenses 
  • Original or certified copy of birth certificate     
  • Social Security Card                           

Document One

Click Here to Upload

Document Two

Click Here to Upload

By signing below, you do hereby authorize the City of Aurora Police Department Cadet Program to have access to: any records your agency may have concerning me, my school records, criminal records, driving record, juvenile criminal record and employment records.

Sign Here

Choose how to sign

Today's Date

Date Picker
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By clicking submit, you are confirming that the above information is factual and may be used during the application process to become an Aurora Police Cadet.