15151 E Alameda Pkwy, Aurora, CO, 80012, US
Both loans and grants will be available under this program. $600,000 has been set aside for loans initially. Loans will range from $5,000 to $50,000. $400,000 has been set aside for grants initially. The maximum available grant award is $5,000. We anticipate between 80 – 160 grants will be awarded during the two rounds of applications.
Physical Location
Mailing Address
Does your business employ 50 or less people (including yourself)?
Do you or any of your employees qualify as a low- or moderate- income person?
"Moderate income" means less than or equal to 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI). See chart below for reference. For example, the employee would be earning less than 80% of AMI with the calculation including the total household income and the number of individuals in the household.
Has your business been affected by COVID-19?
When did your business start declining?
What are the impacts to your business from COVID-19? Please check all that apply.
Is your business a restaurant, retail establishment, service or entertainment business located in Aurora, or an arts non-profit located in northwest Aurora?
Select how your business will use the loan/grant funds.
Please check which program your business is interested in applying for (check only one):
Is your business a client of the Aurora Small Business Development Center? * Your response to this question is informational and will not in any way influence the application review process.
Please check each statement acknowledging that you have read and affirm the information you have submitted within this application is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.
Are you a:
What is your age?
What is your gender
What is your ethnicity?
Are you a Veteran of the United States Armed Services:
The Aurora-South Metro Small Business Development Center provides many services for small businesses including: Free business workshops, assistance/referrals to small business funding, and free, confidential one-on-one consulting conducted by a team of entrepreneurs and industry experts. If you answered on the application that you are not a client of the Aurora-South Metro SBDC, please go to and request a one-on-one appointment to be eligible for additional services.